Prescience: Blood of Sol
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Watch as a hypocrite finds a family despite their folly.
This vision pierces into the world between worlds. You see an order-bound giant stretching its eight wings to the sky. It prays for star-fire to rain down upon my acolytes and their children.

Prescience: Love is Sacred
Two feels like company. Three makes a crowd. Six is a chorus.

Prescience: Triumvirate's Wrath
Ooo, is that Cempazúchitl? Ain't that the locksmith's kid with that undying smile. Their eyes slowly find you, still weary from late nights in pleasant solitude.

Prescience: Cassandra, the Fabric Auger
There are countless timelines where Cassandra-class entities are aware of their fates. They wondered, "What's the point of having endless knowledge if no one will listen? Am I destined to live alongside doubt?" At some point, a few Cassandras deciphered a way…